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What is Welldoing?

Welldoing is doing good work for the right reasons, without sacrificing our mental health and wellbeing.

It’s where your wellbeing, productivity, and purpose align.

It’s the sweet spot of your be, your why, and your do.


Discover which one of the nine types you are now.
Only takes 3 minutes.

Introducing the Welldoing Wheel.

Our Welldoing Wheel is a simple but powerful framework to position you in the three core areas of Welldoing:

how you feel and how you are

how to align yourself with a meaningful direction at work, at home and in life.

how to act and make things happen.

By understanding where our current tendencies put us within this framework, we can more intentionally focus on areas which may bring us better balance.


The nine Welldoing types.

Understanding ourselves and our place in the world is vital for meaningful change.

Learning where we are and where we want to be.

A good start to your life of welldoing.


The Sleeper
You're stuck in a rut. Time to get out of it?


The Dreamer
Big ideas. Little self-control.


The Pursuer
Highly motivated. Highly strung.


The Just Doer
You get stuff done. But it's exhausting.


The Free Spirit
Cool, calm and all over the place.


The Seeker
Purpose-driven. Lacking momentum.


The Operator
Competent and under control. In search of meaning.


The Drifter
You’re getting somewhere. But not sure where.


The Well Doer
A resilient leader who thinks and acts with clarity and purpose.


Find your Welldoing type

Discover which one of the nine types you are now. Only takes 3 minutes.


“The last great adventure is you.”

Tracey Emin